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Premium Website

Easily edit and manage the content on your website

What is it?

If your website needs to get updated on a regular basis, then the Premium website is your best choice.

Custom CMS

As all Webmoov websites are custom designed, so is the CMS.

Too many websites are shoehorned into a CMS. In fact it should be the other way around. The CMS should be designed around your data model. That way it's easy to manage and update the content on your website.

Payload CMS

Webmoov uses the open source CMS called Payload. It's really the next generation CMS. Buid in React, so it's super fast.

Your administrator will be happy, because the admin UI is minimal and elegant and your developer will be happy because it's very easy to extend. Basically if they know Javascript, they are free to customize and extend the CMS any way they want.

The best part is that Payload CMS is open source and can be hosted on your own server. So you are not dependent on some third party service to manage your content.

Payload CMS